
A Variety of Mushrooms

Please follow the link, here, for an introduction to the most popular mushrooms in Japan.

Mushrooms are an integral ingredient in the Japanese diet. Japan’s humid climate has resulted in approximately 5,000 varieties of mushrooms. Of these, about 100 are edible, and around 20 are eaten in large, commercial quantities.

Japanese farmers have been introducing techniques to break the link with nature. Mushrooms are normally harvested from nature in the autumn. 300 years ago, farmers introduced small logs with pre-prepared fungus spores. Today’s factory-controlled environments have enabled, with the one exception of matsutake mushrooms, fresh, cheap mushrooms available throughout the year.

The body’s gut microbiome is healthier with a diverse diet, and in Japan people consume a diverse range of vegetables, including a variety of mushrooms. In addition, different types of mushrooms have different potential health effects. For a discussion of the latter, with references, please follow the link in the first paragraph above.

By Peter Eadon-Clarke

Advisor, Conceptasia Inc.
Peter Eadon-Clarke is a specialist in J-Wellness, product and technique trends, wellness tourism and the Stress Check Program. Peter has extensive experience managing complex multicultural teams; roles held during 14 years at Macquarie Capital Securities (Japan) limited included branch manager, global head of economics and Tokyo head of research. Previously, positions included UBS Trust and Banking in Tokyo as chief investment officer, CIO at Sumitomo Life Investment and CIO for the Pacific Basin at GT (now Invesco).