Who we are

Peter Eadon-Clarke

Advisor, Conceptasia Inc.

Peter Eadon-Clarke is a specialist in J-Wellness, product and technique trends, wellness tourism and the Stress Check Program. Peter has extensive experience managing complex multicultural teams; roles held during 14 years at Macquarie Capital Securities (Japan) limited included branch manager, global head of economics and Tokyo head of research. Previously, positions included UBS Trust and Banking in Tokyo as chief investment officer, CIO at Sumitomo Life Investment and CIO for the Pacific Basin at GT (now Invesco).

Yoriko Soma

Co-Founder, President, Conceptasia Inc.

Yoriko Soma is a pioneer in the Japan wellness industry with 20 years’ experience in the spa and beauty industry. Conceptasia’s services include spa and wellness management and operation, consumer research, and a B2B network providing wellness and beauty information. First board member from Asia, Global Wellness Summit (2017, ongoing) and co-chair 2019. Advisor on inbound tourism to Japanese government (MLIT) 2007. Boston Consulting Group, Asia head office experienced consultant. INSEAD graduate.